How to flash Pac Stock Rom on Android Smartphone

How to flash Pac Stock Rom on Android Smartphone

These are the instructions to flash Pac Stock Rom on any android Smartphone using Spreadtrum Upgrade Tool.

Remember: Your Android device should have at least 40-50 percent of battery to perform the flashing process.

Step 1Download and Install Spreadtrum USB Driver

on your Computer. If in case Spreadtrum Driver is already installed on your computer then SKIP this Step.

usb logoStep 2: Download Stock Rom (pac) for your Android Device.

downloadStep 3Download SPD Upgrade Tool or SPD Research Tool

and extract on your computer. After extracting, you will be able to see the following files:

Upgrade ToolStep 4: Now, open UpgradeDownload.exe.

Spreadtrum ToolStep 5: Once Spreadtrum Upgrade Tool is launched, connect your Android device

to the computer (make sure your device is switch off).

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Step 6: Once your Smartphone is connected successfully to the computer, click on the

Load PackedButton and add the .pac file (stock rom which comes as .pac).

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Step 7: Once you have successfully added the Pac file in Spreadtrum Upgrade Tool,

click on the Start Downloading button to begin the flashing.

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Step 8: During the flashing process your device will restart automatically.

Once flashing is completed, you will be able to see the Green Passed Message in Spreadtrum Upgrade Tool.

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SPD Flash Tools

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